Department of Mathematics

Viscosity Solutions and Optimal Stopping

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Wahlfächer Analysis, Versicherungs- + Finanzmathematik und Angewandte Mathematik
Dozenten Prof. Christoph Schwab
Ort nach Vereinbarung
Zeit nach Vereinbarung
beginnt am nach Vereinbarung
Vorbesprechung Thu, July 1, 2004, 11:15h, ETHZ HG G58.1
Mon, Oct 18, 2004, 11:15h, ETHZ HG G58.1
Kontakt Prof. Christoph Schwab
Voraussetzungen Audience
Studierende der Mathematik mit Schwerpunkten Analysis, Stochastik, Finance oder Angewandte Mathematik ab 5. Semester, Students in the ETHZ Master and PhD Programmes in Mathematics.

Complete 2. Vordiplompruefung MATH at ETHZ or equivalent. French language reading knowledge.
Beschreibung The Seminar addresses analytical and numerical aspects of Viscosity Solutions of Hamilton Jacobi Equations. Hamilton Jacobi equations arise in many applications, for example in optimal stopping of diffusion processes and as Eikonal Equations in geometric optics and high-frequency electromagnetic scattering. Viscosity solutions and their numerical approximation are a key to understanding these areas.
Literatur G. Barles: Solutions de viscosite des equations de Hamilton-Jacobi, Springer 1994.

W. Fleming and H.M. Soner: Controlled Markov Processes and Viscosity solutions, Springer 1993.

Original Papers (2002-) (for PhD students only).

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