Zentralblatt MATH
Links to Internet Addresses
concerning Life and Work of Paul Erdös
(activate the links by clicking on the
- Web Sites
The Erdös number project by Larry Grossman and Patrick Ion
Links to Information about Paul Erdös by Larry Grossman
A Web site by Paul Hoffman
- Obituaries and Other Articles
The New York Times, September 24, 1996, by Gina Kolata
The Economist, October 5, 1996
Paul Erdös dies at 83 by Béla Bollobás
Commentary by Gian-Carlo Rota in SIAM News
Paul Erdös (1913-1996), Dept. of Math., City College of New York
Paul Erdös, article from Math Talk, Maine School of Sci. and Math.
A life that added up to something by Charles Krauthammer, Washington Post Writers Group
Math nomad touched many with brilliance by Larry Evans, The Free Lance-Star, Fredricksburg, Virginia
To Prove a conjecture: Paul Erdös and his Mathematics (Summary), The American Mathematical Monthly
Remembering Uncle Paul by Allen Schwenk, Michigan Section-MAA Newsletter, Spring 1997
Paul Erdös, Odense Univ.
Paul Erdös, Univ. Cape Town
Paul Erdös: 1913-1996, by David Galvin
Paul Erdös at Purdue by Michael Golomb
Paul Erdös (1913-1996), by József Pelikán on the pages of the Australian Mathematical Trust
In Memoriam Paul Erdös (1913-1996), Univ. of Chicago
Birthday celebration in 1996 at the Univ. of Memphis
Paul Erdös: Matemático de Leyenda by Pablo Meyer
Paul Erdös: Kimdir, neler yapm t r, Ege Univ., Izmir
Paul Erdös -- 1913-1996 by Melvin Henriksen, Topological Commentary Vol. 1, No.3
Reminiscences of Paul Erdös (1913-1996) by Melvin Henriksen
References for papers about Paul Erdös
Biographical Information on Paul Erdös
Sobre el número de Erdös by Rodrigo De Castro
Erdös Number by Alex Lopez-Ortiz
A Life of Mathematics: Paul Erdös (1913-1996) by Béla Bollobás as published in the December, 1996, issue of MAA's FOCUS (LATeX-source)
Erdös Páal, 1913-03-26 to 1996-09-20 by Richard K. Guy as delivered on January 10, 1997, at the San Diego Meeting of the AMS (LATeX-source)
Paul Erdös, 1913-1996 by Vladik Kreinovich as published in Vol.2, No.4, 1996, p. 383-386, of Reliable Computing (TOC) (TeX-source)
Paul Erdös (1913-1996) by László Babai and Joel Spencer, Notices of the AMS, Vol. 45, No.1
The Mathematics of Paul Erdös by László Babai, Carl Pomerance and Péter Vértesi, Notices of the AMS, January 1998
Groups, Graphs, and Paul Erdös, Ivars Peterson's MathLand
Paul Erdös: An Infinity of Problems, Ivars Peterson's MathLand
- More Pictures
with Erdös Award Winners in Pravetz, Bulgaria
Photographs from the Film: N is a Number..., by George Paul Csicsery
with Fajtlowicz, C.Larson and E.DeLa Vina
Poster of Erdös
Japan 86, Austria 89, Hungary 96
several Photographs
- Book Announcements
N is a Number. A Portrait of Paul Erdös (Film)
Combinatorics, Geometry and Probability. In Memory of Paul Erdös by Béla Bollobás
Erdös on Graphs. His Legacy of Unsolved Problems by Fan Chung and Ron Graham
Combinatorics: Paul Erdö is Eighty, edited by D.Miklós, V.T.Sós and T.Szönyi
The Man Who Loved Only Numbers: The Story of Paul Erdös and the Search for Mathematical Truth by Paul Hoffman
My Brain is Open: The Mathematical Journeys of Paul Erdös by Bruce Schechter
The Mathematics of Paul Erdös I, edited by R.L. Graham and J. Nesetril
The Mathematics of Paul Erdös II, edited by R.L. Graham and J. Nesetril

© 1998 European Mathematical Society & FIZ Karlsruhe & Springer-Verlag