The Association
- legal
- Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer
Science (DMTCS) is a non-profit organization governed by
the French law of 1901. It is only concerned with the
management and distribution of DMTCS.
- sponsoring
- DMTCS is offered the web services for the primary web
server by the LORIA and INRIA and the mirror sites by EMIS. We are very
grateful for this sponsoring and like to encourage other public
institutions to help us and similar projects in the scientific
- financing
- At the moment, DMTCS is a money free zone. This has the
advantage of making administration easier but at some point
soon it might be useful to have some money for paying someone
doing the final layout and such things. One idea to have some
inflow of money would be by selling a printed version of the
journal. But we clearly lack competence and interest of doing
this ourselves. Please, don't hesitate to contact us if you
have ideas about that.
- work
All work for the journal is done by volunteers. This concerns
several different types of work and really a lot of
people after all:
- editors
- referees
- webmasters
- LaTeXnicians
- history
- The journal DMTCS was founded 1997 by an initiative of some
friends and colleagues guided by the first editor in chief of
the journal, Daniel Krob. After an initial tentative with a
commercial editing house DMTCS was run by the MIMD. MIMD
passed the journal over to the association DMTCS on
April 14, 2002.
- heads
- The association is managed by people from the editorial
board. Its president is the current editor in chief, Jens Gustedt.
Krob is the secretary and Anca
Muscholl the treasurer.
- adress
- 62, rue du Cardinal Mathieu
F-54000 Nancy