Style and Policy
Before you read on please ensure that the manuscript fits well
into DMTCS.
- DMTCS covers Discrete Mathematics and
Theoretical Computer Science as domain of
- DMTCS is a scientific journal . This requires that
your work is
- original
- The main results of your paper must not have appeared
elsewhere in a journal, neither by yourself nor by somebody
- There is no excuse for plagiarism, not even
self-plagiarism. We have a good record in tracking such
things down, be warned.
- important
- Your results must be of importance to a wider public
and should be of interest for more readers than just the
- self contained
- Other than for conference proceedings, we don't have
any restrictions on the number of pages for an article. So
there is no excuse to suppress proofs or not to give
verbose examples. On the other hand, self contained short
notes are highly welcome.
- complete
- Your work must relate to the current state of the art
of the domain in question. In particular, foreign and own
results external to the manuscript must be correctly
credited and complete reference to such related work must
be given.
- legible
- The journal's language is English, all
conventions for scientific work in that language
- correct
- Your work must be mathematical correct and its
quality of writing must be such that the referees will
agree upon this fact.
- Your writing must be grammatically correct. Be ensured,
that especially authors that are non-native speakers of
English will receive all possible help to correct flaws.
But also have in mind, that incorrect grammar might be the
cause of severe misunderstandings and finally result in a
rejection of the paper.
- DMTCS is
- no
- circular letter, and
- no
- preprint server.
If you are looking for that, please consider the wide
possibilities that the web offers nowadays.
Ideas about the style of our web