About ASAP

Why ASAP (As soon as Publishable)?

·         Allows for rapid publication of accepted/formatted articles

·         After articles have been formatted, and the copyright forms received the journal will assign a final date when the article was received by the Production Manager, and published in this section.

·         Since we only publish quarterly they will be placed in this section until an issue is released. However upon abstracting the article will be labeled as ASAP, and given the issue and volume of 000-000

·         Reprints can be ordered only at the publication stage, in other words after the article has been published can reprints be ordered.

·         The ASAP allows for the readers of this journal to read the articles until the issue is compiled.

·         If the copyright forms are not assigned, then the article will be labeled "galley proof", and it should be understood that this implies is not the final form of the article, and is subject to further revisions.

Copyright 2002, Electronic Journal of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, All rights reserved.