Guidelines for Contributors of Manuscripts


Regular Edition ISSN:1538-263X

 Conference Edition ISSN:1538-3318

 Printed Edition ISSN:1538-3326

 CD-ROM Edition ISSN:1538-3334


Submission of Manuscripts

·         Manuscripts should be submitted in English by first filling out our online form, and then supplying necessary manuscript files. In addition to this readers may request abstracts or table of contents only of the upcoming issues by sending a message (with the subject header “subscribe) to either abstracts_alert@ejmaps or, respectively.

·         MS Word (all versions) files are of preference to our journal. 

·         If manuscript will be submitted via airmail please send five copies to the editor-in-chief (A.F. Jalbout), with a cover letter, and confirmation e-mail message.

·         Formatting of the article for publication in PDF format is acceptable, as long as the information on the acceptance dates, when the article was received , etc, is accurately obtained from the editor-in-chief

·         Submission of a paper implies that the copyright is transferred to EJMAPS. A copyright transfer form (can be obtained online by clicking here) or by writing to any of the editors. 

·         Authors should write their manuscripts in English and format them as a LaTeX, AMS-LaTeX, or AMS-TeX files. If you choose to use these packages please note that in addition to the final formatted version of the Tex file we also require authors to provide formatted PDF and PS files for use the publication procedures after a page number and issue has been assigned. Authors may view the Tex files online (of published papers) to match the necessary criteria that is required by EJMAPS. Please keep the number of macros (\def, \newcommand) to the minimum possible, please use standard TeX macros rather than your personal macros (use \omega instead of \om).

o        In AMS-TeX, use the command \documentstyle{amsppt} as shown in Spivak's book The Joy of TeX, 2nd ed.

o        In AMS-LaTeX, use the command \documentclass{amsart} as shown on page 3 of the User's Guide to AMS-LaTeX, Version 1.1, published by the American Mathematical Society.

o        In LaTeX 2.09, use the command \documentstyle{article} as shown on page 21 of Lamport's book Latex User's Guide & Reference Manual.

o        In LaTeX 2e, use \documentclass{article} as shown on page 19 of Lamport's book Latex User's Guide & Reference Manual, 2nd Edition

o        Plain TeX: We prefer the use of LaTex. However, you may use TeX with \magnification = \magstephalf \hsize=14truecm \hoffset=1truecm \parskip=5pt. In this case The Texbook by Donald E. Knuth is the main reference.

o        Graphics can be included as Postscript files. From the main document input them through the commands \usepackage{graphicx} \includegraphics{} , or through \special{}, or through packages such as epsf and psfig.

·         Mathematically based manuscripts should consult the AMS Mathematics Subject Classification numbers, key words, author's e-mail address, and an abstract no longer than twelve lines. Also PACS numbers may be provided where appropriate. 

ftp submission

·         Authors can submit their articles to, by logging in as "submit", and password as "article"

·         This requires an initial e-mail notification to be sent (with a cover letter) to the editor-in-chief. 

·         You must provide contact information so that a confirmation e-mail message can be sent to the corresponding autor.

Manuscript Preparation

·         Manuscripts should be prepared with a word processor. The printing area is 17.5 cm x 24.7 cm. For A4 paper, the margins should be 1.5 cm on top, 3.5 cm at the bottom and 1.75 cm on both left and right sides of the paper. For US letter-sized paper, the margins should be 1.5 cm on top, 1.74 cm at the bottom and 2.05 cm on both left and right sides.

·         The manuscripts must conform to our template style.  However, reference numbers should be placed in square brackets [ ], and placed before the punctuation; for example [4] or [1-3], and all the references should be listed separately and as the last section at the end of the manuscript.
Journal references should follow the following:

8. C.M. Bowman, F.A.  Landee, M.A.  Reslock,  J. Chem. Doc. 1967, 7, 43

References to books should cite the authors(s), title, publisher, publication date, and page.

9. A.B. Smith, Textbook of Organic Chemistry; D. C. Jones: New York, 1961, pp 123-126 (or entire chapter(s) used).

In referring to a book written by various contributors, cite authors(s) first, as in

10. S. Winstein, , R.B. Henderson,  In Heterocyclic Compounds; Elderfield, R. C., Ed.; Wiley: New York, 1950; Vol. 1, Chapter 1, p 60.

·         Full details of the author's affiliation must be provided (i.e. phone number, address, e-mail, fax, etc)

·         A minimum of three keywords must be used for purposes of indexing.

·         Any form of visual or electronic media must be labeled and inserted into the text.

·         Tables must also have intelligible titles and must be inserted into the text directly.

The author can suggest a list of three-five potential referees in the review process. All details of phone, address, fax, etc must be provided. No guarantees as to who the reviewing editor will be. Consult the American Chemical Societies, American Mathematical Society, or the American Institute of Physics ethical guidelines for reviewing of manuscripts. 

Reprint order forms are available online for the ordering of reprints.

Supplementary Material Deposit

·         Spectral data (NMR, IR, Raman, ESR, etc) can be submitted in JPEQ, GIF, PS, or PDF format, as well as any other needed data. 

·         3D coordinate structures (in pdb, mol, xyz or other common formats), if available, should also be submitted.

·         Checkpoint files from GAUSSIAN, GAMESS or any other quantum chemical package can be used for validation of results by readers of the manuscript or by the individual to whom the manuscript is being reviewed by.

Publication Charge
There is no charge for publication in EJMAPS, however contributions are welcomed.

Copyright 2002, Electronic Journal of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, All rights reserved.