Electron. J. Math. Phys. Sci., 2002, Sem. 1, 1-8


Bayesian Economic Cost Plans I. Comparison to Classical Plans

Fouad N. Jalbout 1$, Abraham F. Jalbout 2*, Hadi Y. Alkahby 1


1Department of Physics and Engineering, Dillard University, New Orleans, LA 70112 USA

2Department of Chemistry, University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA 70148-2820 USA, E-mail: Ajalbout@ejmaps.org


*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. $ Speaker at the 15th Annual Conference on Applied Mathematics (CAM), University of Central Oklahoma, February 12-13, 1999

Received: 12 December 2001 / Accepted: 2 January 2002/Published: 15 January 2002



Abstract: The primary focus of this work is to specify the basic parameters in terms of prior distributions and finding the appropriate conditional posterior distributions to affect the transformation. The principle parameters include the upper and lower limit for the process’s quality characteristic X, its mean μ, and the standard deviation, the materials fraction defective p, the sample size n, and the lot size N. The Bayesian model’s posterior distributions are derived using known priors as functions of these parameters.

Keywords: Bayesian, cost model, comparison, lot size, fraction defective

AMS Mathematical Subject Classification: 46N30, 62-06,62P30



Document Summary:



Received: 12 December 2001 / Accepted: 2 January 2002/Published: 15 January 2002


Quality control, engineering



  • CODE: 46N30
    Miscellaneous applications of functional analysis: Applications in probability theory and statistics
  • CODE: 62P30
    Applications: Applications in engineering and industry
  • YEAR: 2002


Bayesian analysis, cost model, comparison, lot size, fraction defective

Doc type

Lecture series, seminar edition of EJMAPS


Electronic Journal of Mathematical and Physical Sciences Conference/Seminar Edition [ISSN: 1538-3318]


© 2002 by EJMAPS (http://www.ejmaps.org). Reproduction for noncommercial purposes permitted