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The pole placement problem and geometry Previous Next Contents

2.iii. The pole placement problem and geometry

Recall that the pole placement problem may be expressed as follows

Pole Placement Problem:
Given a linear system represented by matrices A,B,C, and a desired behaviour f(s), which feedback laws F satisfy f(s) = det(sIn - A - BFC)?
Rewrite the characteristic equation f(s) = det(sIn - A - BFC):
f(s) =  det(In - BFC(sIn - A)-1) det(sIn-A)
and apply the matrix identity det(I - PQ) = det(I - QP), where P,Q are rectangular matrices.
f(s) =  det(Im - FC(sIn - A)-1B ) det(sIn-A)
The transfer function C(sIn - A)-1B is a p by m-matrix of rational functions determining the response of the measured quantities y in terms of the inputs u, when there is no feedback. It is useful to factor this, finding matrices N(s) and D(s) of polynomials with N(s)D(s)-1= C(sIn - A)-1B where detD(s) = det(sIn - A). This is called the coprime factorization of the transfer function. Then we may rewrite the characteristic equation:
f(s) =  det(Im - FN(s)D(s)-1) det D(s)
But now both matrices are m by m-matrices, so we get:
f(s) =  det(D(s) - FN(s))
Finally, we may write this as a (m+p) by (m+p)-determinant (up to sign):
   Thus if s1, s2, ..., sn are the roots of the polynomial f, and we let Ki be the row space of the matrix [N(si) D(si)], then the row space of the matrix [I F] meets each Ki nontrivially.
   From this, and a nondegeneracy result, Brockett and Byrnes [BB] deduce that if the numbers s1, s2, ..., smp are general there are dm,p complex p-planes H which meet each K(si) nontrivially, counted with multiplicity. By a Theorem of Eisenbud and Harris [EH], there are no multiplicities when the s1, s2, ..., smp are general.
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