#Theorem39ii.maple # # Frank Sottile # October 1998 # Berkeley, California # # This MAPLE script establishes Theorem 3.9.ii of "Real Schubert Calculus: # Polynomial systems and a conjecture of Shapiro and Shapiro". This is the # case of Shapiro's conjecture concerning the 3 3-planes in C^6 which meet 4 # 2-planes osculating the rational normal curve and one 3-plane. # # Our method is to show that the discriminant of the degree 3 eliminant is # a sum of squares. What makes ths interesting is that the discriminant we # compute is NOT symmetric in the parameters. # #interface(quiet=true): with(linalg): with(Groebner): ######################################################### # # We set up the polynomial system. The first 3 rows of the following # are the 3-plane in C^6 osculating the rational normal curve, and the # last 3 rows are local coordinates for the set of 3-planes # satisfying conditions J_2 for s=0 and s=\infty. # Mat := s -> matrix([ [ 1 , s ,s^2, s^3 , s^4 , s^5 ], [ 0 , 1 ,2*s,3*s^2,4*s^3, 5*s^4], [ 0 , 0 , 1 , 3*s ,6*s^2,10*s^3], [ 1 ,x12, 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ], [ 0 , 1 ,x23, x24 , x25 , 0 ], [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , x36 ]]): # The polynomial A is the condition J_1, to meet a 3-plane osculating at s # A:=simplify(-det(Mat(s))/s/s): # # The polynomials B, C, E are the condition J_2, to meet a 2-plane # osculating at t # B:=simplify(-det(submatrix(Mat(t),[1,2,4,5,6],[1,3,4,5,6]))/t^4): C:=simplify(det(submatrix(Mat(t),[1,2,4,5,6],[1,2,4,5,6]))/t/t): E:=simplify(det(submatrix(Mat(t),[1,2,4,5,6],[1,2,3,4,5]))/t): # # We now compute the universal eliminant for the set of 3-planes meeting a # 3-plane osculating at s, and two 2-planes osculating at t and at u. # G:=gbasis([A,B,C,E,subs(t=u,B),subs(t=u,C),subs(t=u,E)], wdeg([4,4,4,4,1],[x12,x23,x24,x25,x36])): # # # The computation proceeds over the function field R(s,t,u) and the # Gr\"obner basis consists of 6 polynomials, with the first the # universal eliminant, a univariate polynomial in x36 of degree 3 # UniversalEliminant:=G[1]; # # We compute the Discriminant of the UniversalEliminant. # Discriminant:=sort(primpart(discrim(UniversalEliminant,x36)),[s]); # # The Discriminant is a sum of squares: # simplify(Discriminant - ( 7/2*s^4*(t-u)^2 + s^2*(t-u)^4 + t^4*(s-u)^2 + u^4*(s-t)^2 + 7/2*t^2*(s-u)^4 + 7/2*u^2*(s-t)^4 + s^2*t^2*(s-t)^2 + s^2*u^2*(s-u)^2 + 7/2*t^2*u^2*(t-u)^2 + (t-u)^2*(s-u)^2*(s-t)^2)); # # It follows that the number of real roots to the system is independent of # the choice of real values for s, t, and u. Thus we need only show that there # are 3 real roots for a single choice of the parameters. # fsolve(subs(s=1,t=2,u=3,UniversalEliminant)=0,x36); quit;