M. Mirzavaziri and M. S. Moslehian -- Central Extension of Mappings on von Neumann Algebras
H.A.Al-Kharsani -- Multiplier Transformations and K-Uniformly P-Valent Starlike Functions
Aydın Izgi -- Order of approximation of functions of two variables by new type gamma operators
S. Latha -- A note on a generalized integral operator of functions of bounded boundary rotation
Sedat Ilhan, Kurt Herzinger -- On Principal Ideals of Triply-Generated Telescopic Semigroups
Adriana Cătaş -- A note on a differential superordination defined by a generalized Salagean operator
Ion Marian Olaru, C. Pumnea, E. Bacociu, A. Nicoară -- The control agglomerations of an internet network with delay feedback
Nicuşor Minculete, Petrică Dicu -- Several inequalities about the number of positive divisors of a natural number m
K. Sushan Bairy -- Some theorems on the explicit evaluations of singular moduli
Horiana Tudor -- A sufficient condition for univalence
S.K.Burgumbayeva, A.B.Tungatarov -- Cauchy problem for a class of elliptic systems of third order in the plane with Fuchsian differential operator
Alina Totoi -- On some subclasses of starlike and convex functions
Arif Rafiq, Ana Maria Acu, Mugur Acu -- On Modified Noor Iterations for Strongly Pseudocontractive Mappings