Main characteristics of the publication:
- All contributions will be refereed, or at least moderated.
- English will be the official language of the journal. Articles (including
surveys and work in progress) will be written in that language, and possibly
(upon decision of the authors) also in Spanish. Only some sections of the
journal, interesting exclusively for locals, may be only in Spanish.
- Refereeing times will be fast (not more than three months), to take the
maximum benefit of electronic publication.
- The electronic support will allow that authors provide corrections, attachments,
implementations, presentations, animations, examples, extended bibliographies,
etc., to their already published contributions. Besides, other authors
may contribute with comments on published works.
- The status of the published papers will be such that extended versions
of the works may be published elsewhere.
- Scientific works: original research or experiences articles. Contributions
to this section will be evaluated according to their originality and relevance
by at least two anonymous referees, selected by EB members specialized
in the corresponding subjects.
- Extended abstracts of original work. This section is devoted to those
who wish to publish their work with a status that allows the subsequent
publication of extended versions in other journals. In this case the articles
will have status of internal reports. Publication of this papers will be
moderated by the EC, advised by members of the EB specialized in the corresponding
- Surveys of two kinds: invited by the editors or contributed (refereed)
- Ongoing research. This section will be moderated but not refereed.
It is devoted to those researchers that wish to publish partial results
of their research. It may be implemented by hyper-links to other web-pages.
- Debates. This section will be devoted to the electronic discussion
about different subjects proposed and moderated by one or more members
of the EB. The debate may spread along more than one issue of the journal.
During its lifetime the discussion will be updated periodically.
- Abstracts of international publications of local authors. The goal
of this section is to contribute to the dissemination of the work being
done in the region.
- Book reviews. Invited or contributed (moderated) reviews.
- "What's happening" in other countries of the region. The
idea is to maintain correspondents in some south-American countries, and
a column that in each issue will be dedicated to a different country, rotatively.
- National or international research projects. This section is dedicated
to publicize proposals, progress reports, results of research projects.
- "From theory to practice". Contributed articles critically
describing experiences about the use of theoretical tools in industrial
or commercial applications.
- Open problems. In this section, both CS, IT and OR people, or others
may send their open problems to receive help from readers. This section
will be moderated by the EC, with the help of the EB.
- Pointers to other publications and interesting pages, including relevant
institutions, libraries, etc.
- Calls for papers of conferences, special issues, etc.
- Software demonstrations and evaluations. This section will be devoted
to free software or commercial software of sponsors of the journal (moderated).
- Positions available in academy or industry (moderated).
The journal will be open to the different alternatives that present
technology provides to electronic publication. We believe that at this
point it is convenient to be as flexible as possible and incorporate new
tools as they become available and necessary. For that reason, contributors
to the Journal will be invited to propose formats to the Editors, being
the final decisions a responsibility of the latter.
