Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications (SIGMA)

Special Issue on Geometry and Dynamics in memory of Will Merry

The Guest Editors for this special issue are

Paul Biran (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)
Jonny Evans (Lancaster University, UK)
Gabriel Paternain (University of Washington, USA)

This special issue is dedicated to the memory of Will Merry (1984–2022). Will made a wide range of important contributions to Floer theory, especially to Rabinowitz–Floer theory and to dynamical systems in the presence of a magnetic field; he was also an inspiring teacher, mentor and colleague. This special issue will allow some of those he inspired to celebrate his life and work by sharing their recent discoveries from across geometry and dynamics.

List of topics

  • symplectic and contact geometry;
  • differential geometry;
  • Floer theory;
  • dynamical systems.

There is no limit to the length of an article. Deadline for paper submission is January 31, 2026.

How to Submit an Article to the Issue.

All articles will go through the standard peer reviewing procedure of SIGMA.

If you have your paper ready earlier than the deadline, we encourage you to send it now. The reviewing process starts once the paper is submitted and we will publish the paper as soon as the positive publication decision is made. The paper will be indexed in the relevant databases as soon as it is published without waiting for completion of the special issue.

Special Issues in SIGMA

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