WMY2000 NewsLetter 5 logoW200.gif (1616 octets)


Expert Meeting "UNESCO and Mathematics"

UNESCO Venice Office

November 22-24, 1996




From 22 to 24 November 1996 an Expert Meeting on "UNESCO and Mathematics" was held at the UNESCO Venice Office.

Outstanding mathematicians from various parts of the world, as well as representatives of several important international organizations, like AMU, IMU, ICMS, ICPAM, ICTP and UNESCO, participated in this meeting.

The meeting dealt with the important role of Mathematics in modern society, through its relationship with the other scientific disciplines.

Emphasis was laid on UNESCO's role in the development of Mathematics, in particular in developing countries, through fruitful collaboration with the other organizations mentioned above. Past and present mathematical activities, including the prospects of further development within UNESCO's "Basic Sciences" Program, were also evaluated.

At the conclusion of the Expert Meeting the following recommendations were made for future action :


The following draft resolution has been submitted to UNESCO's General Conference (November, 4-7, 1997)
submitted by Luxembourg, Ivory Coast, France and Netherlands
supported by Russian Federation, Brazil, Benin, Spain, Belgium, Uzbekistan, Philippines, Thailand, Denmark, Ireland, Colombia......

The General Conference.

Considering the central importance of mathematics and its applications in today's world with regard to science, technology, communications, economics and numerous other fields,

Aware that mathematics has deep roots in many cultures and that the most outstanding thinkers over several thousand years contributed significantly to their development,

Aware that the language and the values of mathematics are universal, thus encouraging and making it ideally suited for international cooperation,

Stressing the key role of mathematics education, in particular at primary and secondary school level, both for the understanding of basic mathematical concepts and for the development of rational thinking,

Welcomes the initiative of the International Mathematical Union (IMU) to declare the year 2000 the World Mathematical Year and carry out, within this framework, activities to promote mathematics at all levels world-wide,

Decides to support the World Mathematical Year 2000 initiative,

Requests the Director General to collaborate with the international mathematics community in planning the World Mathematical Year 2000 and to contribute during 1998-1999 funds of $250.000 from the Regular Programme and Budget in support of preparatory activities.



Siegbert Raither

Division of Basic Sciences
1, rue Miollis
75015 PARIS (France)
e-mail : raither@ext.jussieu.fr


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