Elemente der Mathematik
Editorial Board
Author Instructions


Issues of this journal published between 1 January 2022 and 31 December 2024 are accessible as open access under the Subscribe to Open model of EMS Press.

Elemente der Mathematik is a journal of the Swiss Mathematical Society. It was founded 1946 by Louis Locher-Ernst, continued by Ernst Trost, Max Jeger, Urs Stammbach and Jürg Kramer.

The journal is published by EMS Press with the support of the Schweizerische Akademie der Naturwissenschaften and the Stiftung zur Förderung der mathematischen Wissenschaften in der Schweiz.

The journal is published in print and online in four issues per year. Accepted articles are also available Online First prior to print.

Members of the SMS can subscribe to Elemente der Mathematik with a considerable discount. See the information page for details. All other subscriptions can be made directly on the publisher's page.

Elemente der Mathematik is part of the Swiss Digital Mathematics Library: All volumes of Elemente are freely available on Swiss e-periodica except for the last fife years which are accessible only for subscribers. The Beihefte zur Zeitschrift 1 (1947) - 16 (1980) can also be found on Swiss e-periodica.

Articles in Elemente are covered by Zentralblatt and MathSciNet.

A selection of articles published in Elemente der Mathematik is translated into Chinese and published in Mathematical Advances in Translation, a translated journal which is sponsored by the Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science (Chinese Academy of Sciences).
