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Bulletin no. 2 25.9 - 29.9.2023 Autumn Semester 2023
Monday, September 25

Lanpeng Ji (University of Leeds, UK)
Bayesian CART for insurance pricing
14:00 • EPF Lausanne, UniL campus, Extranef - 125

Prof. Dr. Jayadev Athreya (University of Washington)
Counting Pairs of Saddle Connections abstract
15:00 • UZH Irchel, Winterthurerstrasse 190, Zürich, Building Y27, Room H 25

Dr. Ovidiu Preda (Romanian Academy)
17:15 • Universität Bern, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern, Lecture Room B6
Tuesday, September 26

Jean-Pierre Eckmann (UNIGE)
Tumbling Downhill along a Given Curve abstract
10:30 • Université de Genève, Conseil Général 7-9, Room 1-05

Pascale Voegtli (UCL London)
Flop connections between minimal models for corank 1 foliations over threefolds abstract
10:30 • Universität Basel, Spiegelgasse 5, Seminarraum 05.001

Evarist J.S. Stoja (University of Bristol, UK)
The Taxonomy of Tail Risk
11:00 • EPF Lausanne, UniL campus, Extranef

Teilo Wahl (Unversité de Genève)
Sur les potentielles limitations du Deep Learning et ses utilisations pour la résolution d\'EDPs abstract
14:00 • Université de Genève, Conseil Général 7-9, Room 1-05

Dimitar Jetchev
The Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer formula in analytic ranks zero and one for modular forms of higher weight abstract
14:15 • EPF Lausanne, MA A1 12

Dr. Stefano Decio (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton)
Zeros of Steklov eigenfunctions abstract
15:15 • ETH Zentrum, Rämistrasse 101, Zürich, Building HG, Room G 43

Filippo Fila-Robattino (Universität Zürich)
What is... the Reduced Phase Space of (N=1,D=4) Supergravity? abstract
16:00 • UZH Zentrum, Building KO2, Room F 150
Wednesday, September 27

Eric Chen
Duality of automorphic periods abstract
10:00 • EPF Lausanne,

Gonzalo Ruiz Stolowicz (EFPL)
Representations on infinite-dimensional hyperbolic spaces abstract
10:20 • Université de Fribourg, 0.05 PER23

Prof. Dr. Motohico Mulase (UC Davis)
À la recherche de courbes cachées abstract
14:00 • ETH Zentrum, Rämistrasse 101, Zürich, Building HG, Room G 43

Bian Wu (MPI Leipzig)
Scale invariant bounds for mixing in the Rayleigh-Taylor instability
14:15 • Universität Basel, Spiegelgasse 5, Seminarraum 05.002

Tatjana Bossalini (University of Zurich)
The ROCA Vulnerability: A Study on Coppersmith's Algorithm and its Applications abstract
15:15 • UZH Irchel, Winterthurerstrasse 190, Zürich, Building Y27, Room H 25

Simon Machado (EHTZ)
Approximate subgroups and bounded cohomology abstract
15:45 • ETH Zentrum, Rämistrasse 101, Zürich, Building HG, Room G 43

Yatin Dandi (Bernoulli Centre)
Title T.B.A.
16:00 • EPF Lausanne

Yves Krähenbühl (University of Zurich)
Overview of Classes of MDP Convolutional Codes and Their Erasure Decoding Algorithms abstract
16:15 • UZH Irchel, Winterthurerstrasse 190, Zürich, Building Y27, Room H 25

Prof. Dr. H. Gimperlein (Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck)
Boundary integral equations in space and time: Higher order Galerkin methods and applications abstract
16:30 • ETH Zentrum, Rämistrasse 101, Zürich, Building HG, Room E 1.2

Prof. Dr. Grégory Miermont (ENS Lyon)
Compact Brownian surfaces abstract
17:15 • UZH Irchel, Winterthurerstrasse 190, Zürich, Building Y27, Room H12
Thursday, September 28

Javier Fresán (École Polytechnique, Palaiseau)
E-functions and geometry
10:15 • ETH Zentrum, Rämistrasse 101, Zürich, Building HG, Room G 43

Gabriele Bogo (TU Darmstadt)
Supersingular abelian surfaces and orthogonal polynomials abstract
14:15 • Universität Basel, Spiegelgasse 1, SR 00.003

Jaemin Park (University of Basel)
Small scale creation for the 2D Boussinesq Equations abstract
16:15 • ETH Zentrum, Rämistrasse 101, Zürich, Building HG, Room G 19.2
Friday, September 29

Rüdiger Kempf (U Bayreuth)
A Kernel-based Multilevel Approximation Method for Higher-Dimensional Problems on Sparse Grids abstract
11:00 • Universität Basel, Spiegelgasse 5, Seminarraum 05.001

Consecutive sums of two squares in arithmetic progressions abstract
14:15 • ETH Zentrum, Rämistrasse 101, Zürich, Building HG, Room G 43

Leonardo Egidi (University of Trieste)
Prediction, skepticism, and the Bayes Factory abstract
15:15 • ETH Zentrum, Rämistrasse 101, Zürich, Building HG, Room G 19.1
Saturday, September 30

Spencer Frei (UC Berkeley)
Implicit bias and benign overfitting for neural networks in high dimensions abstract
13:15 • EPF Lausanne GA 3 21