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Bulletin no. 13 28.8 - 1.9.2023 Summer Break 2023
Monday, August 28

Kevin Buzzard (Imperial College, London)
17:00 • ETH Zentrum, Rämistrasse 101, Zürich, Building HG, Room F 30
Tuesday, August 29

Zsuzsanna Dancso (Sidney)
"Emergent" tangles and Kashiwara-Vergne solutions abstract
15:30 • Université de Genève, Section de mathématiques, 7-9 rue du Conseil-Général, Room 1-07

Kevin Buzzard (Imperial College, London)
17:00 • ETH Zentrum, Rämistrasse 101, Zürich, Building HG, Room E 7
Wednesday, August 30

Alex Anikin
Machine Learning and Science: It\'s All Fun and Games Until CUDA Crashes (Constructor Technology) abstract
10:00 • Université de Genève, Conseil Général 7-9, Room 1-155

Prof. Dr. Yongbin Ruan (Zhejiang University)
Logarithmic R-map abstract
13:30 • ETH Zentrum, Building ITS, Room

Kevin Buzzard (Imperial College, London)
17:00 • ETH Zentrum, Rämistrasse 101, Zürich, Building HG, Room E 7
Thursday, August 31
No events scheduled today!
Friday, September 1
No events scheduled today!