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Bulletin no. 2 10.6 - 14.6.2024 Summer Break 2024
Monday, June 10

Alexander Kulikov
Polynomial formulations as a barrier for reduction-based hardness proofs abstract
11:00 • EPF Lausanne, GA 321

Raman Parimala (Emory)
A Hasse principle for projective homogeneous spaces abstract
14:15 • EPF Lausanne, MA A1 10
Tuesday, June 11

Gaultier Lambert (KTH)
Scaling limits of the Gaussian beta-ensemble characteristic polynomial abstract
16:15 • Université de Genève, Conseil Général 7-9, Room 1-15
Wednesday, June 12
No events scheduled today!
Thursday, June 13
No events scheduled today!
Friday, June 14

Andrea Clini (Oxford)
Particle Systems & Stochastic PDEs: analysis of models in fluctuating hydrodynamics and neuroscience abstract
09:00 • EPF Lausanne, Bernoulli Center

Lukasz Madry (Paris-Dauphine)
Regularisation by fractional noise and the zero noise limit abstract
10:00 • EPF Lausanne, Bernoulli Center

Sotiris Kotitsas (Warwick)
Regularisation by fractional noise and the zero noise limit abstract
11:00 • EPF Lausanne, Bernoulli Center

Heather Battey (Imperial College, London)
Maximal co-ancillarity and maximal co-sufficiency abstract
15:15 • EPF Lausanne, CM 1 517