


Electronic Journal of Mathematical and Physical Sciences (ISSN: 1538-263X, 1538-3318) publishes only the highest quality of mathematically and physically related materials. Topics of interest include but are not limited to Bayesian statistics, control theory, quantum theory, computational chemistry, molecular dynamics simulations, statistical mechanics, applied mathematical theory, novel theories in engineering, engineering physics, molecular physics, and mathematical physics. In addition to this, articles of interest to members of mathematical and scientific education will be published in a separate section entitled "Of Special Interest", and will be refereed under the same standards of excellence. 

We are determined to encourage scientists and mathematicians to publish their theoretical and experimental details in as much detail as possible. Due to the open-ended nature of this journal, articles must be explained in as much details as needed to communicate the novelty of the proposed work. 


The subjects of interest to this journal (and by which articles will be indexed):

Articles Classifications

Letter to the Editors Section:

Short Notes: Will consist of short but complete works, of interest to the scientific and mathematics community. They should be labeled as "short notes" by the author in the cover letter. More information available in the instructions for authors section. 

Communications: Will consist of communications are More information available in the instructions for authors section. 

Comments: Any comments on articles or notes published in this journal or any other journal will be highly encouraged.  More information available in the instructions for authors section. 

Data Bank: Information is published in the form of tables or spectra with a minimum of accompanying script. It is really a means of providing data that would not otherwise be published. Compilations of literature data or references are also occasionally published within this category. There is no page limitation. Review will be based on an editorial decision.

Research Articles Section:

Please follow instructions for authors when compiling your manuscript. Coherency, clarity, and most importantly scientific or mathematical merit. Up to five referees will be asked to review the article, and the final decision will be up to the editor-in-chief in cases where a decision cannot be made by the standard process of review. Expected review time: two weeks to four months. Referees will be encouraged to complete the process of the review in no more then four months, unless specific circumstances require so.

Perspectives Section:

Keep the article within previous guides. This section is designed to foster general views on scientific thought, or concepts of current interest that are not based on novel research results. 

Conference/Seminar Edition Articles Section:

The same guidelines apply, without the classification into a particular type of article. However, since they are classified separately from the main journal (ISSN:1538-3318) the reviewing procedure and style may differ from the above guides, but they are still published under the same strict reviewing procedure.

Of Special Interest

At the description of the editorial board certain articles will be accepted that fall out of the typical guidelines for any of the above-mentioned criteria. 


Authors are invited to submit monographs for consideration in a special section of EJMAPS. Authors should contact one of the editors, before submission. In the case of extended works, authors will be required to submit their work in both a hardcopy and diskette format.  

Book Reviews

Authors and publishers are encouraged to send review copies of their recent related books to the editor in chief of EJMAPS. All books that are received will be sent out for review as soon as they are received for professionals in the respective field to be reviewed in a suitable time period.

Announcement and Advertisement Publication

Any announcement regarding academic activities such as conferences are published online for free. Contact e-mail:

Copyright 2002, Electronic Journal of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, All rights reserved.