New York Journal of Mathematics
Volume 30 (2024), 1293-1303


David Kalaj

Contraction property of Fock type space of log-subharmonic functions in Rm

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Published: September 16, 2024.
Keywords: Holomorphic functions, isoperimetric inequality, Fock space, contraction.
Subject [2010]: Primary 30H20.

We prove a contraction property of Fock type spaces Lαp of log-subharmonic functions in Rn. To prove the result, we demonstrate a certain monotonic property of measures of the superlevel set of the function

u(x) = |f(x)|p e-(α/2)p|x|2,

provided that f is a certain log-subharmonic function in Rm. The result recover a contraction property of holomorphic functions in the Fock space Fαp proved by Carlen in [Car1991].


After I proved my main results, Kehe Zhu directed me to the reference by Carlen [Car1991], for which I am thankful. I am also grateful to Djordjije Vujadinovic for his valuable insights and discussions on the topic.

Author information

David Kalaj
University of Montenegro
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Cetinjski put b.b. 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro
