D-MATH Exam Information

Personalized and Anonymized Answer Booklets

Most exams use personalized and anonymized answern booklets. A typical example of an answer booklet is available as pdf, with explanation provided below.

Page 1: Personal anonymized code

  1. Title and number of the exam,
  2. The first two letters of your Name, Firstname, and the last six digits of you Legi number (student ID). In the example below the number 12-345-678 was used,
  3. Duration of the exam and written aids. These can be found in the course catalogue under "performance assessment".

In case you don't have a Legi (Student ID card) please bring an official ID with you. You can look up your Student ID number online in mystudies (top right, next to your name).


Written aids from the course catalogue

  1. Written aids are entered in the course catalogue. The information given there is binding.

Page 2: General notes for answering problems

General notes for answering problems in the solution booklet are provided on page 2.


Pages 3 and onward: Space to answer exam problems

  1. A section is provided for each exam question,
  2. space to answer the problems,
  3. each page is numbered and marked with the personalized and anonymous code.

Multiple Choice answer sheet

Applies only if you exam contains single of multiple choice questions

An example solution sheet in pdf format.


  1. Useful information for answering multiple choice questions. Please note: You can only correct using white-out. Please bring white-out to the exam. The assistants at the exam will have some if needed.
  2. Instructions for properly indicating your solutions. Please fill the boxes.

