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Bulletin no. 4 11.3 - 15.3.2024 Spring Semester 2024
Monday, March 11

Matteo Nesi (University of Basel)
12:15 • Universität Basel, Seminarraum 05.002

Prof. Dr. Ran Tessler (Weizmann Institute)
The amplituhedron: tilings and cluster adjacency abstract
15:00 • ETH Zentrum, Building ITS, Room

Xiuxong Chen (SUNY Stony Brook USA and ShanghaiTech University China)
15:15 • ETH Zentrum, Rämistrasse 101, Zürich, Building HG, Room G 43

Jean Barbier (ICTP)
A multi-scale cavity method, with application to sub-linear rank matrix denoising abstract
16:15 • Université de Genève, Conseil Général 7-9, Room 1-15

Dr. Tobias Harz (Plurisubharmonic defining functions for pseudoconvex domains)
17:15 • Universität Bern, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern, Lecture Room B6
Tuesday, March 12

Murray Elder (University of Technology Sidney)
ome properties of multiple context-free languages abstract
10:30 • Université de Genève, Conseil Général 7-9, Room 1-05

Amal Machtalay (EPFL)
Space-Time discretization of traffic flow Mean-field game model abstract
14:00 • Université de Genève, Conseil Général 7-9, Room 1-05

Ilaria Viglino
Almost sure convergence of least common multiple of ideals for polynomials over a number fields abstract
14:15 • EPF Lausanne, MA A1 10

Pierre Bieliavsky (Université catholique de Louvain)
New classes of locally compact quantum groups abstract
15:30 • Université de Genève, Conseil Général 7-9, Room 1-07

Frederike Duembgen (Université de Toronto)
Solving hard problems in robotics – with a little help from semidefinite relaxations, nullspaces, and sparsity abstract
16:15 • EPF Lausanne, CM 1517

Segev Gonen Cohen (ETHZ)
What is... Hilbert\'s 17th problem? abstract
16:30 • UZH Zentrum, Building KO2, Room F 150
Wednesday, March 13

Sami Douba (IHES Paris)
Systoles of hyperbolic hybrids abstract
10:20 • Université de Fribourg, room Phys 2.52

Stefan Kebekus
Differential forms on singular spaces abstract
13:00 • EPF Lausanne, CM 1 517

Prof. Dr. Martin Leguil (École polytechnique)
Rigidity of u-Gibbs measures for certain Anosov diffeomorphisms of the 3-torus. abstract
13:30 • ETH Zentrum, Rämistrasse 101, Zürich, Building HG, Room G 19.1

Prof. Dr. Ran Tessler (Weizmann Institute)
Open FJRW theory in genus 0 and mirror symmetry abstract
13:30 • ETH Zentrum, Rämistrasse 101, Zürich, Building HG, Room G 43

Prof. Dr. Anna Florio (Université Paris Dauphine-PSL)
Birkhoff attractor of dissipative billiards abstract
14:45 • ETH Zentrum, Rämistrasse 101, Zürich, Building HG, Room G 19.1

Mario Jung
Construction of Linear Codes using Latin squares abstract
15:15 • UZH Irchel, Winterthurerstrasse 190, Zürich, Building Y27, Room H 25

Laura Marino (Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu-Paris Rive Gauche)
Gordian distance bounds from Khovanov homology abstract
15:30 • ETH Zentrum, Rämistrasse 101, Zürich, Building HG, Room G 43

Prof. Dr. Sergios Agapiou (University of Cyprus)
A new way for achieving Bayesian nonparametric adaptation abstract
16:30 • ETH Zentrum, Rämistrasse 101, Zürich, Building HG, Room E 1.2

Dr. Victor Rivero (CIMAT Guanajuato)
Recurrent extensions and Stochastic Differential equations abstract
17:15 • ETH Zentrum, Rämistrasse 101, Zürich, Building HG, Room G 43
Thursday, March 14

Umut Çetin (London School of Economics)
Mathematics of Market Microstructure
10:15 • ETH Zentrum, Rämistrasse 101, Zürich, Building HG, Room G 43

Annette Huber
Transcendence of 1-periods abstract
14:15 • EPF Lausanne, Bernoulli center, GA 3 34

Ken’ichi OSHIKA (Gakushuin University)
La métrique de tremblement de terre sur l’espace de Teichmüller abstract
14:15 • Université de Genève, Conseil Général 7-9, Room 1-15

Prof. Jean-Pierre Eckmann (Universität Genf)
16:15 • Universität Basel, Spiegelgasse 5, Raum 05.002

Dr. Simon Becker (ETH Zürich)
Magic moire materials with a twist abstract
16:15 • UZH Irchel, Winterthurerstrasse 190, Zürich, Building Y27, Room H 46

Dr. Brandon Garcia Flores (Université de Lausanne)
Optimal reinsurance from an optimal transport perspective abstract
17:15 • ETH Zentrum, Rämistrasse 101, Zürich, Building HG, Room G 43
Friday, March 15

Pietro Longhi (Uppsala University)
Quiver structures of knot invariants, open strings, and recursion abstract
10:30 • Université de Genève, Conseil Général 7-9, Room 1-05

Federico Glaudo (IAS & Princeton University)
Besicovitch 1/2 Conjecture and Linear Programming abstract
14:15 • EPF Lausanne, MA B1 11

Dr. Rosa Winter (King\'s College London)
Weak weak approximation for del Pezzo surfaces of degree 2 abstract
14:15 • ETH Zentrum, Rämistrasse 101, Zürich, Building HG, Room G 43

Ilia Itenberg (Sorbonne University)
Real plane sextic curves without real singular points abstract
15:15 • Université de Genève, Conseil Général 7-9, Room 1-05

Tobias König (Univ. Frankfurt)
Existence of minimizers for the Bianchi-Egnell stability inequality abstract
15:30 • EPF Lausanne, MA B1 11

Prof. Dr. Albrecht Klemm (Universität Bonn)
Symplectic invariants on Calabi-Yau 3 folds, modularity and stability abstract
16:00 • ETH Zentrum, Rämistrasse 101, Zürich, Building HG, Room G 43