Below is a list of students Will supervised.
- Kathrin Naef, The Gysin Sequence in Morse Homology (MSc thesis, 2013)
- Mads Bisgaard, On Hamiltonian flows which do not admit conjugate points (Semester project, Spring 2014)
- Mads Bisgaard, The intersection product on Morse-Bott homology (MSc thesis, 2015)
- Grace Mwakyoma, A link between Hofer’s Geometry and Aubry-Mather Theory (MSc thesis, 2015)
- Florian Zeiser, Morse homology of Lagrange multipliers via adiabatic limits (MSc thesis, 2016)
- Davide Dandrea, Low-Energy Closed Orbits in the Restricted Three-Body Problem: a Proof of Existence (BSc thesis, Spring 2017)
- Arnaud Maret, Interval maps and Li-Yorke chaos (Semester project, Spring 2017)
- Alessio Pellegrini, Morse theory (Reading course, Spring 2017)
- Kthim Imeri, Introduction to Julia Set Theory (Semester project, Spring 2017)
- Florian Rossmannek, An Introduction to Complex Dynamics and the Mandelbrot Set (BSc thesis, Autumn 2017)
- Kathrin Naef, Translated points on dynamically convex contact manifolds (PhD, 2014–2018)
- Arnaud Maret, Forcing relations for periodic orbits of surface homeomorphisms (MSc thesis, 2018)
- Niclas Küpper, 4-Manifolds and their Intersection Forms (BSc thesis, Spring 2018)
- Alessio Pellegrini, Products and Spectral Numbers in Novikov-Morse Homology (MSc thesis, 2018)
- Gilles Englebert, Axiomatic Morse Homology (BSc thesis, Spring 2018)
- Malcolm Cameron, Exotic 7-Spheres (BSc thesis, Spring 2019)
- Sylvain Rossi, On an axiomatisation of differential geometry: Synthetic Differential Geometry (BSc thesis, Spring 2019)
- David Lanners, Persistence Modules and Barcodes (BSc thesis, Spring 2019)
- Florian Rossmannek, Magnetic and Exotic Anosov Hamiltonian Structures (MSc thesis, 2019)
- Oliver Edtmair, A counterexample concerning the behaviour of local Floer homology under iterations (MSc thesis, 2019).
- Shaowu Zhang, Floer homology (Reading course, Spring 2019).
- Ana Žegarac, First Steps Towards Berger's Classification Theorem (Semester project, Spring 2019)
- Tommaso Botta, Algebraic Topology II (Reading course, Fall 2019).
- Martina Joergensen, Topological Entropy of Rational Maps (Semester project, Fall 2019)
- Emanuel Malvetti, Symplectic Geometric Invariant Theory (Semester project, Fall 2019)
- Matilde Gianocca, Transparent Connections (BSc thesis, Fall 2019)
- Yannis Bähni, The \(\omega\)-limit set of a family of periodic orbits (MSc thesis, 2019)
- Gilles Englebert, Instanton Floer homology (MSc thesis, 2020)
- Leon Staresinic, Hypercyclic Dynamical Systems (Semester Project, Spring 2020)
- David Lanners, Spectral Sequences: A Geometric Interpretation of the Serre Spectral Sequence (Semester Project, Spring 2020)
- Han Li, Quantum Cohomology of \(\mathcal{O}(-2)\) (MSc thesis, 2020).
- Ana Žegarac, Lagrangian tori in cotangent bundles (MSc thesis, 2020).
- Sascha Baer, Wild Spheres (BSc thesis, Spring 2020)
- Johanna Düngler, Weighted Cubical Persistent Homology (BSc thesis, Summer 2020)
- Giovanni Ambrosioni, A quick journey from Morse theory to lagrangian quantum homology (Semester Project, Autumn 2020)
- Carl Felix Waller, Formality of \(A_\infty\)-Algebras (MSc thesis, Winter 2020)
- Cédéric R. Hiltbrunner, Eilenberg-Steenrod Axioms, Poincaré Duality and Product Structures on Symplectic Homology (MSc thesis, Winter 2020)
- Alessandro Imparato, Towards Homological Mirror Symmetry (MSc thesis, Winter 2020)
- Ghazaleh Asghari Khonakdari, Fidelity and Transversely Intersecting Lagrangians (MSc thesis, Spring 2021)
- Malcolm Cameron, Two Proofs of the Genus Degree Formula (MSc thesis, Spring 2021)
- Nikolaos Adaloglou, Uniqueness of Lagrangians in \(T^*\mathbb{R}P^2\)(MSc thesis, Spring 2021)
- Leon Geiger, Introduction to 2-dimensional Topological Quantum Field Theory (Semester Project, Spring 2021)
- Jöran Schlömer, Introduction to Sheaf Cohomology (BSc thesis, Spring 2021)
- Leon Staresinic, Structural Stability in Symplectic Dynamics (MSc thesis, Spring 2021)
- Pedro Pablo Pérez Velasco, Ergodic theory on continuous flows (Reading course, Summer 2021)
- Alessio Pellegrini (PhD, Autumn 2018+)
- Ana Žegarac (PhD, Autumn 2020+)
- David Lanners (MSc thesis, 2021)
- Johannes Hauber (MSc thesis 2021)
- Silvio Barandun (MSc thesis, 2021)