Dynamics and Ergodic Theory in Zürich

In Zürich we have an active center for Dynamical Systems and Ergodic Theory. This website lists people, events, and scientific activities in the University of Zürich and ETH Zürich.


The members of the group offer normally a range of courses starting from bachelor level to graduate level. Interested students are advised to visit the Courses tab.


We run a weekly research seminar and a working seminar, please visit our Seminar Tab.

For other events including talks, conferences, and reading groups please visit out Events Tab.


Upcoming conference: Rigidity phenomena in dynamics and spectral theory, Univeristat Zürich, 9-13 September 2024. Registration and more information in the link.

Research Topics

Research interests of members of the group include

Group Photo

Here is a photo of Zurich Dynamics Group taken by Claudia Burkhardt on October 4th, 2021.

Group Picture

If there are any errors/omissions please contact segev.gonencohen@math.ethz.ch.