Dynamics and Ergodic Theory in Zürich

There are plenty of seminars and colloquia in Zürich that might be of interest to group members. Here are some of particular interest, more information (including abstracts) can be found in the links.

Title Time Location
Geometry seminar Wednesdays 15:30 - 16:30 HG G 43 (ETH)
Number Theory Seminar Fridays 14:15- - 15:15 HG G 42 (ETH)
Geometry Graduate Colloquium Thursdays 16:15 - 17:15 HG G 19.2 (ETH)

Further seminars and colloquiums can be found by clicking here.


A selection of past and upcoming conferences that might be of interest.

Those hosted in Zürich are in bold.


If you would like to advertise anything here, please contact segev.gonencohen@math.ethz.ch.


Reading groups

We often run reading groups on advanced topics.


If anyone would like to advertise one here please contact segev.gonencohen@math.ethz.ch.
