Department of Mathematics

Exercise classes

Please note that this page is old.
Check in the VVZ for a current information.

First exercise class: Tuesday Sep. 23, and Wednesday, Sep.24, respectively.

Präsenz/Assistant hours: Information about Präsenz/Assistant hours.

Time and place: (preliminary)

 Group  Teach. Asst.
 Place  Students
Danijel Zivoi
 Tue 13-14
 HG E 33.1
 2 Philippe Deprez
 Tue 13-14  HG F 26.5 Dj-Ka
Xinyi Li  Wed 9-10  HG F 26.3 Ke-Schmid
Philippe Deprez
 Wed 9-10
 HG F 26.5

Coordinator: Xinyi Li

Please do not transfer to a different exercise class unless a serious schedule problem occurs.

Exercise sheets

Exercise sheets will be uploaded in PDF format [Download: Acrobat Reader] on Monday to this page as well as distributed on Tuesday during the lecture. The exercises will then be discussed during the exercise class, and turned in a week later. If you cannot come to the exercise class, you may submit your work by dropping it in your assistant's tray located in the hallway in front of HG E 65 (please do so no later than the beginning of the respective exercise class). Solutions will be available on this page after the deadline for handing in.


Quiz (during exercise class) date: Tuesday, November 18, or Wednesday, November 19.


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