Department of Mathematics

Introduction to Lie Groups

Please note that this page is old.
Check in the VVZ for a current information.

Contents: Topological groups and Haar measure. Definition of Lie groups, examples of local fields and examples of discrete subgroups; basic properties; Lie subgroups. Lie algebras and relation with Lie groups: exponential map, adjoint representation. Semisimplicity, nilpotency, solvability, compactness: Killing form, Lie's and Engel's theorems. Definition of algebraic groups and relation with Lie groups.

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Manfred Einsiedler
Assistant: Manuel Luethi


On Tuesdays, every second week: 10.00-12.00 a.m. at HG D 5.2, starting on 15.09.2015
On Thursdays: 10.00-12.00 a.m. at HG D 3.2.


On Tuesdays, every second week: 10.00-12.00 a.m. at HG D 5.2, starting on 22.09.2015.
Exercise sheets will be published on taskbase as the course progresses. The exercises will be solved in class during the exercise sessions. The exercises will be an integral part of the material tested in the exam.
There is a box in room J 68 where you can submit your own solutions with specific questions if you want somebody to have a look at them.

Please find below solutions to selected exercises:
Sheet 1
Sheet 2
Sheet 3
Sheet 4
Sheet 5
Sheet 6


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